Friday 25 April 2014

Musharraf's Legal Counselor Appeals Court to Request Govt to give FIA Report

Lawyer of previous President Pervez Musharraf, Farogh Nasim, asked for the Special Court on Thursday to request the administration to give him the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) report which was the support of conspiracy case.

Throughout the hearing, Nasim repeated his prior appeal to get access to the FIA report. The arraignment had, notwithstanding, said such ask for ought not be allowed as it was an endeavor to confound the case.

While identifying with the media outside the court, Nasim said that the previous president had constantly contended that all his requests were issued on the counsel of then leader and parliament. The attorney said he needs each one of those records to demonstrate Musharraf did not act alone and that his moves were authorized by then officials.

He asserted that prosecutor Akram Sheik had himself said that the argument against Musharraf was in fact not about conspiracy yet taking unconstitutional steps. "Unconstitutional measures aren't right however summoning Article 6 hence is similarly off base," Nasim included.

On March 31, Musharraf was formally charged for subverting and dodging the Constitution by forcing crisis on November 3, 2007. Musharraf had rejected the charges leveled against him.


Musharraf's Legal Counselor Appeals Court to Request Govt to give FIA Report

PM Nawaz to Introduce Uch Power Plant II Today

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is planned to introduce Uch Power Plant Phase II Friday. This plant is spotted close Dera Murad Jamali. Arrangements have been concluded for agreeing a warm welcome to Prime Minister throughout his visit here. Checking has been begun at all the entrance and passageway purposes of Dera Murad Jamali throughout uncommon security plan for the event. Uch Power Plant Phase I was creating 486 mega watts of power while Phase II might produce 402 mw totaling 888 mw from this plant. (PPI)


PM Nawaz to Introduce Uch Power Plant II Today

Monday 21 April 2014

Lahore Court Ignored 9-Month Old Child Case

Lahore court ignored charges of stabbing attempt against a nine-month-old child on Saturday, legal advisors said, in a case that cast a focus on the nation's broken equity framework.

Child Musa Khan showed up in court in Lahore, sitting on his granddad's lap and drinking from a flask of milk.

He and his mature person relatives were accused not long from now of endeavoring to homicide a policeman after his family conflicted with police and gas organization laborers attempting to gather late bills. Police enlisted an argument against the entire crew.

"Police told the court that the assignment of Musa on account of assaulting police and gas organization authorities was a human mistake and Musa is not obliged," resistance legal advisor Irfan Sadiq told Reuters.

The child's granddad, Muhammad Yasin, and his three children still face the charges. Pictures taken at a prior court knowing about Musa yelling as he was being fingerprinted incited broad mocking and common authorities called for a request.

Lahore Court Ignored 9-Month Old Child Case

Sunday 13 April 2014

Twitter Tweaks Site to Pull in New Customers

As Twitter looks to grow its claims of successfully maintaining 241 million clients, the organization is presenting an update of profile pages that incorporates greater photographs, more client controls and a similarity to face book.

"Minute by minute, your Twitter profile demonstrates the world that you are," the organization composed in a blog entry Tuesday. "Beginning today, it will be considerably simpler (and, we think, more fun) to convey what needs be through an as good as ever Web profile."

As a component of progressions coming in the following few weeks, clients who access Twitter through the Web will perceive bigger photographs on their profile pages. Furthermore profile photographs on the left corner of the page; the upgrade incorporates an extensive pennant photograph that takes after the huge rectangular spread photographs on Face book pages. Clients will have the capacity to "stick" one of their tweets to the highest point of the page to give others a thought of the subjects they jump at the chance to tweet about.

Twitter Tweaks Site to Pull in New Customers

Atif Aslam Live Performance Rocks Dallas

Famous Pakistani vocalist Atif Aslam and a Bollywood playback artist Shalmali Kholgade displayed a zapping musical night, facilitated by Funasia Entertainment at Fair Park Hall in Dallas Downtown.However, the occasion was went to by Men, ladies and kids, however a real divide in actively present people were youngsters and young ladies, who altogether appreciated the musical celebration.

Shalmali, who is known for being a playback vocalist in India, entertained with her vocals and move exhibitions which brought everybody on their feet.The occasion proceeded work late in the nighttime. Fun Asia Entertainment managers Shariq Hamid and John Hamid thanked the touring specialists and communicated their appreciation to actively present people of the occasion.

They said that at whatever point Atif Aslam comes to town, his show is dependably a sold out show. They said this show kept the convention and they are appreciative to the DFW gathering of people for their participation.

Atif Aslam Live Performance Rocks Dallas

Next Generation Drive- Connected Cars

Connnected cars tehcnology is in progress since long, scientists and automotive experts are trying to find new and innovative ways to modify the existing vehicles and driving experience. The V2V, vehicle to Vehicle technology connects cars on roads it will also allow cars to talk and sync with each other increasing the chances of safe driving. This will not only decrease the threat to driving security on the road, but young and ammateur drivers will b encouraged to drive confidently without any fear.

According to a survey conducted by University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute the majority of the car drivers gave positive response about connected vehicles. The university recorded around 1600 opinions from male and females from different age grups and chuinks of society. However a very minor proportion of slim drivers gave negative remark about this invention.

More than 70% of respondents belived that the emergence of V2V technology in vehicles will surely reduce the number of crashes, reducing accidents and threat to life as well as it will also be helpful in decreasing emission from the vehicles. The emergency repsonse time will be improved while driving and it will ensure fuel economy on the roads.

Where there are pors there are cons to everything, few of the respondents were concerned about hacking isses, the security breaching is very common now a days. Expert hackers can control the comuterized V2V system which can result in terrible and life threatening occurings.

Next Generation Drive- Connected Cars

Friday 11 April 2014

Security of Pakistan Ordinance Tested in Supreme Court

ISLAMABAD: The quarrelsome Protection of Pakistan Ordinance (PPO), which gives clearing forces of capture and detainment to security strengths, was tested in the Supreme Court. Social laborer and supporter Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi recorded the request in the pinnacle court, expressing the law abuses essential human rights. Naqvi has brought a few protests up in his appeal and said the law was figured and passed in flurry.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), with backing of other restriction gatherings, had additionally debilitated to test the bill in the top court.

The mandate was hurried through the National Assembly on April 7 in spite of solid safety from the restriction seats. The legislature is relied upon to table PPO in the Senate on April 14 where restriction parties, however isolated, have a mind-larger part in the house.

Security of Pakistan Ordinance Tested in Supreme Court

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Jetsons Flying Machine is Launched in Reality

Since 1960s when we were stuck to the vivified sitcom "The Jetsons", offbeat dreams of a modern space utopia filled our creative abilities leaving individuals asking themselves: "Where's my flying auto?"

Message understood, however maybe now, as our youth dreams move gradually closer to actuality, we ought to additionally begin considering this: if a flying auto was here today, in this present reality and not in the domain of science fiction, might we feel great controlling it securely while cruising many feet open to question? Might we have the specialized abilities needed to even get it off the ground, without taking into consideration land it without a scratch?

When you proceed to move on and sprint to your nearest pilot school to start taking flight lessons, take a minute to meet Carl Dietrich, the CEO and prime supporter of aviation organization Terrafugia.

Dietrich and his group are trying to bring customers closer to the possibility of a handy flying auto, imagining a vehicle that does not oblige its driver to be a prepared pilot. Hence, Boston -based Terrafugia reported last May it had begun dealing with the idea of TF-X, a four-seat, module cross breed electric auto that can do vertical take-offs and landings.

Jetsons Flying Machine is Launched in Reality

Sunday 6 April 2014

Afghan Polling Stations Short of Ballot Papers

Afghanistan's historic point decision on Saturday was damaged by a deficiency of poll papers that left numerous voters as of now queuing to make their choice with surveying because of mismanagement, as the coordinators seemed not ready for a high turnout.

The Independent Election Commission requested voting to be reached out by a certain rate per hour, with ticket papers being dispatched where they were required for individuals to vote for a successor to President Hamid Karzai. Coordinators of the vote, intended to be the first majority rule handover of force in Afghan history, had expected that a low turnout and Taliban viciousness might crash the race however as surveying stations started to close, those reasons for alarm had not appeared.

"Individuals completed not want this number of individuals to turn out to vote," Toryalai Wesa, legislative head of the southern city of Kandahar, told news hounds. "They thought the turnout might be like the past and that is the reason they sent fewer voting materials this time."

In the capital, Kabul, numerous surveying stations chose to develop voting hour's way past the authority shutting time of 4 pm (1130 GMT) to permit voters to cast their polls. In the western Dasht-e-Barchi neighborhood of Kabul a line of several men and ladies wound outside one surveying station, with numerous restless voters saying they had been sitting tight in the sprinkle for the greater part of the day.

"I have held up here for quite some time, however was not permitted inside to vote on the grounds that there is no poll paper," said Hassan, who just gave his first name, as others nodded in understanding. "This is a hardship of my right and I am despondent at not having the capacity to join in this memorable methodology."

Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani, director of the Independent Election Commission, told news hounds that signs were that the turnout was great, while recognizing the mess up over tally papers.

"The report we have so far demonstrates that numerous individuals took an interest in these races and even in a few stations we used up poll papers," he said. "We have generally sent a few tickets to those stations which we had saved in regions."

Of the eight applicants challenging the presidency, the three leaders to succeed Karzai – who is banned by the constitution from running again – are previous outside pastors Abdullah and Zalmay Rassoul and previous fund pastor Ashraf Ghani. A smooth race with a high turnout is uplifting news for Afghanistan's Western patrons who are viewing the vote nearly keeping in mind the end goal to choose whether to keep on enlarging billions of help frantically required to help Afghanistan's debilitated economy.

It was not promptly clear how far reaching the lack of poll papers was around the nation. Afghanistan has 12 million qualified voters, and authorities say there were 15 million poll papers printed. In Kandahar, a Taliban fortress and Afghanistan's second city, tallies had run out at the dominant part of surveying stations in the city, as stated by a representative for the senator's office.

"Because of the blunder of decision requisition in Kandahar, voting materials in the lion's share of surveying stations have run out," said Dawakhan Menapal, the representative. One junior, furious voter, Mohammad, said he was vexed in light of the fact that he was unable to vote.

"I came here at 8 am to this surveying station to select our hopeful, its 11:30 and the decision specialists has let us know that the race papers have run out and you ought to go to an alternate surveying station," he said. "Individuals have pulverized their voting cards and discarded them."

There was no official on turnout; however at the last race in 2009, the turnout of 4.6 million was viewed as low. Due to Afghanistan's troublesome landscape, it will take weeks for authorities to accumulate voting booths from around the nation and check the votes. Official preparatory effects from the Saturday vote are not wanted until late April.

Afghan Polling Stations Short of Ballot Papers

70 Years Old Man Marries 12 Year Old Girl in Nosheroferoz

Police accused and arrested a 70 years old man who married forcefully with a 12 year old girl today at NOSHEROFEROZ. The police likewise captured 'Nikah Khwan'. The police struck a house in Tharo Shah Territory not long after the Nikah function and halted further functions of the wedding before capturing the two. The girl was additionally taken in defensive authority. The case will be resolved soon after the thorough investigation. 

70 Years Old Man Marries 12 Year Old Girl in Nosheroferoz

Fake Currency Notes Circulation in the Country

Fake notes of Rs 1000 are proceeding unchecked in Karachi markets. Inflow of these fake notes make quick route in surge hours especially in the night time, when all the shops are thronged by the buyers. The material shops are the simple focuses of the fake money merchants. "We are the hard hit sufferers as we need to face brigades of woman purchasers.

In the company of the push of shopping, we are deceived into trickery of scurried managing and a great number of fake coin notes make a gouge equivalent to their vicinity in our every day gaining by getting to be a piece of money transaction," said a worker of at a shop. "Some groups of lawbreakers are actively working behind the fishy business of fake currency notes. The parts of these groups come in our shops wearing lovely favor outfits and abandon us in tremendous misfortune through installment of fake cash notes," said Anjam, a retailer. The little dealers and business people requested prompt activity against the components included in fake cash notes business

Fake Currency Notes Circulation in the Country

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