Sunday 13 April 2014

Next Generation Drive- Connected Cars

Connnected cars tehcnology is in progress since long, scientists and automotive experts are trying to find new and innovative ways to modify the existing vehicles and driving experience. The V2V, vehicle to Vehicle technology connects cars on roads it will also allow cars to talk and sync with each other increasing the chances of safe driving. This will not only decrease the threat to driving security on the road, but young and ammateur drivers will b encouraged to drive confidently without any fear.

According to a survey conducted by University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute the majority of the car drivers gave positive response about connected vehicles. The university recorded around 1600 opinions from male and females from different age grups and chuinks of society. However a very minor proportion of slim drivers gave negative remark about this invention.

More than 70% of respondents belived that the emergence of V2V technology in vehicles will surely reduce the number of crashes, reducing accidents and threat to life as well as it will also be helpful in decreasing emission from the vehicles. The emergency repsonse time will be improved while driving and it will ensure fuel economy on the roads.

Where there are pors there are cons to everything, few of the respondents were concerned about hacking isses, the security breaching is very common now a days. Expert hackers can control the comuterized V2V system which can result in terrible and life threatening occurings.

Next Generation Drive- Connected Cars

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