Sunday 13 April 2014

Twitter Tweaks Site to Pull in New Customers

As Twitter looks to grow its claims of successfully maintaining 241 million clients, the organization is presenting an update of profile pages that incorporates greater photographs, more client controls and a similarity to face book.

"Minute by minute, your Twitter profile demonstrates the world that you are," the organization composed in a blog entry Tuesday. "Beginning today, it will be considerably simpler (and, we think, more fun) to convey what needs be through an as good as ever Web profile."

As a component of progressions coming in the following few weeks, clients who access Twitter through the Web will perceive bigger photographs on their profile pages. Furthermore profile photographs on the left corner of the page; the upgrade incorporates an extensive pennant photograph that takes after the huge rectangular spread photographs on Face book pages. Clients will have the capacity to "stick" one of their tweets to the highest point of the page to give others a thought of the subjects they jump at the chance to tweet about.

Twitter Tweaks Site to Pull in New Customers

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